Saturday, February 27, 2010

Eva Marie Jones

Eva is here! Born on February 19, weighed 3 lbs and 15 inches tall. She is currently in the NICU and will probably be there for about a month or so. She has been doing very well there this last week. Her billirubin got back up to 10, but they decided to wait another day to check her levels before trying the lights out again. She is eating (through a tube) very well so they are planning on taking out her PICC line in the next two days. She has gained a couple ounces so far and is up to 3 lbs 2.5 oz. She should gain about an ounce a day. I go try to nurse her twice a day for now which is also the only amount of holding they will let her have too... sorry grandparents. We are hoping she will be moved soon to the other side of the NICU so people can see her through the windows if they wanted.

We are so greatful and blessed to have this little girl in our family. I am recovering a lot better than I expected from the c-section. I am excited to start working out and looking normal again! Tanner is also doing better now that Mom is home. I sure missed him while I was gone. It will be nice when I can actually hold him too.

Thanks for all your support and love!

Big Brother doesn't know about sister yet...

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